
Pineberry! A White Srawberry

Nowdays we are much involved in combining species to have variations in it. But have you ever heard of such kind of innovation done by the nature itself, it sounds to be something unbelievable right!! But yes that’s the thing we are going to reveal to you. Strawberry is a very popular fruit worldwide. Similarly pineapple has also captured a corner of the heart of fooders like you and me. But have you ever heard about a combination of these both in a single bite. Yes a naturally occurring berry called pineberry looks like a white strawberry with red seeds but gives a flavour of pineapple. It was first commercially sold in UK and it is from where its name came   from. It is not much profitable due to small sale farming but sold in many restaurants of UK, Europe, Dubai. Metabolically speaking it is a good source of Vitamin A, C, fotale. This superberry also strengthens   your immune system   as well as keeps your heart healthy. So you must try our ...

World's Youngest Mimicry Artist

Australian Birds of paradise You must be knowing many mimicry artist worldwide, but today I am going to introduce you to the world's youngest, most adorable mimicry artist. You must have seen many humans doing mimicry, also the technology has brought us towards some applications which can mimic our voices. But nature has gifted us our best mimicry artist centuries ago, yes ! the real life artist the Lyrebird's! They are found in australia, because of the presence beautiful tail at their back, they are also called peacock wrens. You must be wondering about who are these lyrebirds, then you must be surprised to know that these lyrebirds are the same mockingjay's that you must have seen or read about in the  Hunger Games of Suzane Collins Now the question comes how these birds are able to mimic our voices? Anatomically speaking, the lyrebird has a unique syrinx( a birds voice box) out of all Passerines. instead of fou...